Monday, October 12, 2015

[4.8] any path sum

1. Example

All Path and find out which path has a sum,

-5->4 ->11 -2 -8  7 12==>  sum(20) -12-7+8+2-11 = 0

helper(root,  List<Integer> )
//** check every path so far, are they a sum, by minus all the previous node to check 

we look “up” to see if we’ve found the sum.“does this node complete a path with the sum?”
helper(root.left,           new List<Integer>(list) )
helper(root.right,     new List<Integer>(list) )

Figure 1: A binary tree with two paths where the sum of all nodes value is 22: 
One is the path contains node 10 and 12, 
and the other contains node 10, 5 and 7

2. Implementation

// Time:O(n log n)
// 2^r nodes at level r
// ever level every node

// n node, and for each node loop up take O(logn)

void findSum(TreeNode root, int sum, List list, int start)

        // Base case
        if ( root ==null )
        int tmp = sum;


        for (int stop = start; stop >=0; stop--)
             tmp = list.get(i);
             if (tmp == 0)
                 print(list, start, stop);

        findSum(root.left, sum, new List(list), start+1);
        findSum(root.right, sum, new List(list), start+1);


void print(Lsit lsit, int start, int stop)
      for (int i = start; i <= stop;i++)
               System.out.print(list.get(i)+" ");
3. Similar ones

[4.7] T2 is a subtree of T1

1. Example

10 million nodes = 10*10^6 = 10 ^7
int 32 bit = 4 byte
4B * 10^7 = 40 MB

2. Implementation

// Approach #1  Memory is not an issue

T1 String traversal = a string s1 O(10^6)
T2 String traversal = a string s2 O(100)
s2 is a substring of s1 if preorder traversal and inorder traversal both apply

substring : check using a suffix tree
suffix tree of 10^6 length string ==> char 2 byte [26]
2B*26*10^6 = 52MB
suffix tree is memory intensive

A1: b i  b s

b s
            /              |         \
           B   0,2     I   1      S 3
         /    \           |       
       I0      S2     B  1
       |                   |
       B0               S 1

// Approach #2 Memory is an issue and we try this approach
// Worst case :Time O(n*m), where n and m is the sizes of trees T1 and T2, respectively
// Avg Case   :Time O(k*m + n)
// If k is the occcurrences of T2'root in T1, the worst case runtime can be characterized as O(k*m + n)

boolean containsTree(TreeNode t1, TreeNode t2)

      // validate the input
      if  ( t2 == null )
          return true;

      return subTree( t1, t2);

// Find the root with the same value
boolean sunTree(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2)

      // Base case
      if ( r1 == null) // till the leaf and cannot find the subtree
         return false;

      if (r1.val === r2.val)
          if (  matchTree(r1, r2)  )
             return true;    

      return subTree(r1.left, r2) || subTree(r1.right, r2);


boolean matchTree(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2)

      if (r1 == null && r2 == null)
          return true;
      if ( r1 == null || r2 == null )
          reutrn false;
      if (r1.val != r2.val)
          return false;

      return matchTree( r1.left, r2.left ) && matchTree(r1.right, r2.right);
3. Similar ones

[4.6] Frist(Lowest) Commonacestor

1. Example

1. Not a binary search tree,
Time complexity of the above solution is O(n)Attempt#1
       /              \
    ___5__          ___1__
   /      \        /      \
   6      _2       0       8
         /  \
         7   4

the LCA of nodes 5and 1 is 3
Please note that LCA for nodes 5 and 4 is 5.
Please note that LCA for nodes 7 and 4 is 2. (although 5,3 are also ancestors, but not the lowest)

2. binary search tree, we could do a modified find on the two nodes and see where the paths diverge.
Time complexity is O(h) where h is height of tree
Recursive, Iterative

2. Implementation

// LCA for Binary Tree

// Time:O(n)
// 1. Recursive #1
public TreeNode LCA(TreeNode root, TreeNode p1, TreeNode p2)

     if ( isChild(root.left, p1) && isChild(root.right, p2) )
           return LCA(root.left, p1 ,p2);
     if ( isChild(root.right,p1) && isChild(root.right,p2) )
           return LCA(root.right, p1,p2);
     return root;

private boolean isChild(TreeNode root, TreeNode p)
     if (root == null)
          return false;
     if (root == p)
          return true;
     return isChild(root.left, p) || isChild(root.right, p);

// 2. Recursive #2

// Case1: If there are two nodes on one of the sides, then we have
// to check if the child node on this side is p or q (because in this 
// case the current node is the common ancestor).
// If the child node is neither p nor q, we should continue to search 
// further (starting from the child).

// Case2:  If one of the searched nodes (p or q) is located on the right 
// side of the current node, then the other node is located on the other 
// side. Thus the current node is the common ancestor

public class Solution

      static int TWO_NODES_FOUND = 2;
      static int ONE_NODE_FOUND = 1;
      static int NO_NODE_FOUND = 0;

      public TreeNode LCA(TreeNode root, TreeNode p1, TreeNode p2)

             // Same node and only node node below
             if ( p2 == p1 && (root.left == p2 || root.right == p1) )
                 return root;

             int nodesFromLeft =  isChild(root.left, p1,p2);
             if (  nodesFromLeft == TWO_NODES_FOUND ) 
                     if (root.left == p1 || root.left == p2)
                         return root.left;
                         return LCA(root.left, p1,p2);
             else if (  nodesFromLeft == ONE_NODE_FOUND   ) 
                     if (root == p) return p;
                     else if (root == q) return q;

             int nodeFromRight = isChild(root.right, p1, p2);
            if (  nodeFromRight == TWO_NODES_FOUND ) 
                     if (root.right == p1 || root.right == p2)
                         return root.left;
                         return LCA(root.right, p1,p2);
             else if (  nodeFromRight == ONE_NODE_FOUND   ) 
                     if (root == p) return p;
                     else if (root == q) return q;

             if (  nodeFromLeft == ONE_NODE_FOUND && nodeFromRight == ONE_NODE_FOUND  )
                  return root;
                  return null;


      // Check how many nodes (p1, p2 ,p1 and p2, none) under this root
      private int isChild(TreeNode root, TreeNode p1, TreeNode p2)

             int ret= NO_NODES_FOUND;

             if (root==null)
                   return NO_NODES_FOUND;
             if (root == p1 || root == p2)

             // isChild(root.left..) || isChild(root.right,..)
             ret += isChild(root.left, p1,p2);
             if ( ret = TWO_NODES_FOUND )   //FOUND p1 and p2
                 return ret;
             return ret + isChild(root.right, p1, p2);

             int ret = 0;
             ret += isChild(root, p1)?1:0;
             ret += isChild(root, p2)?1:0;
             return ret;


      private boolean isChild(TreeNode root, TreeNode p)
          if (root == null)
              return false;
          if (root == p)
              return true;
          return isChild(root.left, p) || isChild(root.right, p);

// LCA for Binary Search Tree

// Time :O(logn) = O(h), h is the height of the tree
// 1. Recursive Space:O(n)
public TreeNode LCA(TreeNode root, TreeNode p1, TreeNode p2)

     // Base case
     if ( root == null )
         return null;

     if ( root.val > p1.val && root.val > p2.val ) 
           return LCA( root.left, p1, p2 );
     else if ( root.val < p1.val && root.val < p2.val )
           return LCA( root.right, p1, p2); 
     return root;

// 2. Iterative Space:O(1)
public TreeNode LCA(TreeNode root, TreeNode p1, TreeNode p2)
      while ( root != null )
           if ( root.val > p1.val && root.val > p2.val  ) 
              root = root.left;
           else if (  root.val < p1.val && root.val < p2.val  )
              root = root.right;

      return root;


3. similar Ones

Friday, October 9, 2015

[4.5] Inorder Successor in Binary Search Tree

1. Example

In the above diagram,
Case1: Has right child, go anyway:  inorder successor of is 10,
Case2: No right child and itself is left child :    inorder successor of 10 is 12 
Case3: No right child and itself is right child:   inorder successor of 14 is 20.

2. Implementation

public static TreeNode inorderSuccessor(TreeNode e)

       // valdiate the input
       if ( e == null )
           return null;

       TreeNode succ;

       // Case 1: Has right child
       if ( e.parent == null || e.right != null )
            succ = leftMostChild(e.right);
       // Case 2,3: No right child
            // case 
            while(   (succ = e.parent) != null )
                 // Case2: No right child and itself is left child
                 if ( succ.left == e)
                 // Case3: No right child and itself is right child 
                 e = succ;

       return succ;

public static TreeNode leftMostChild(TreeNode e)

      // vlaidate the input
      if ( e == null)
        return null;

      // while(e!= null) // NOTE: STOP at e == null, not we want
      while ( e.left!= null ) // NOTE: STOP at e.left == null 
         e = e.left;

      return e;

3. Similar Ones

[4.4] Create a linked list of all nodes at each depth

1. Example

Level=> level order traversal => Breath First Search

 Method1: list = new LinkedList(); 
 Method2: TreeLinkNode head = root; // use TreeLinkNode next feature as a queue
if ( curHead == null )
curHead= lastCur.left;
pre = curHead; }
{ = lastCur.left or ritght

// NOTE : the reason need two layer of while is because we no idea 
when to update lastHead even we have curHead complete
while (lastHead != null) { 
      TreeLinkNode lastCur = lastHead; // Like while (!queue.isEmpty()) 
      while ( lastCur != null ) // like for loop in the above {
            lastCur =;  
       lastHead = curHead;  
       curHead = null;
       // TreeLinkNode lastCur = lastHead;  
        while(lastCur != null)  
            if (lastCur == null)
                  lastCur = curHead;  
                  curHead = null;
       /  \
      2    3
     / \  / \
    4  5  6  7
After calling your function, the tree should look like:
         1 -> NULL
       /  \
      2 -> 3 -> NULL
     / \  / \
    4->5->6->7 -> NULL

NOTE: At leaves, for loop all leaves but doesn't add any nodes
list = new LinkedList(); 
 for ( int i = 0 ; i < result.get(level).size();i++ ) { // Like a queue in-insertion order
    TreeNode n = (TreeNode) result.get(level).get(i);
    if ( n ! = null ) {
               if (n.left != null) 
               if (n.right != null) 
   if (list.size() > 0 ) { 
           result.add(level+1, list); 
     else { 


2. Implementation
In a usual BST, we simply traverse the nodes without caring which level we are on. In this case, it is critical to know the level.
We thus use a dummy node to indicate when we have finished one level and are starting on the next.

public List> findLevelLinkedList(  TreeNode root ) 

       int level = 0;
       List> res = new ArrayList>();
       LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
       res.add(level, list);


             // NOTE: a new linked list start with a new level
             list = new LinkedList();
             for ( int i = 0 ; i < result.get(level).size();i++ )
                  TreeNode cur = (TreeNode) result.get(level).get(i);
                  if ( cur ! = null )
                        if (cur.left != null)
                        if (cur.right != null)

             if (list.size() > 0 )
                   result.add(level+1, list);




       return result;

struct TreeLinkNode {
      TreeLinkNode *left;
      TreeLinkNode *right;
      TreeLinkNode *next;
public void findLevelLinkedList (TreeNode root)

      // vlaidate hte input
      if (root == null)

      TreeLinkNode lastHead = root;   // As a queue
      TreeLinkNode pre = null;
      TreeLinkNode curHead = null;
      //int lastNum = 1;
      //int curNum = 0;

      while (lastHead != null)
           TreeLinkNode lastCur = lastHead;
           // Like while (!queue.isEmpty())
           while ( lastCur != null ) // like for loop in the baove
                  if (lastCur.left != null)
                       if (  curHead == null )
                             curHead= lastCur.left;
                             pre = curHead;
                    = lastCur.left;
                             pre =;
                  if (lastCur.right != null ) 
                       if (   curHead == null )
                              curHead = lastCur.right;
                              pre = curHEad;
                              pre =;

                  lastCur =;// next element in Queue

           lastHEad = curHead; // new linkedl list in current level
           curHead = null;

3. similar Ones

[4.3] Sorted array to binary tree

1. Example

                /             \
               /               \
    "1"2                    4"5"6
 X     "2"               "4"    "6"
        X  X            X  X   X  X

create a binary tree with minimal height = > balanced
The idea is that mid as a root

NOTE: sorted array => array[mid]
SET ROOT FIRST then root left root right
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(array[mid]); 
root.left = addTotree(array, start,mid-1); 
root.right = addToTree(array, mid+1, end); 
return root;

NOTE: sorted linkedlist => linklist[mid] X=> traverse to the first node

SET ROOT left first then root then root.right TreeNode left = helper(list ,start, mid-1);
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(list.get(0).val);// head val

root.left  = left;

list.set( 0, list.get(0).next );

root.right = helper( list, m+1, r );
return root;

idx  012345
             mid = 0
             0, -1 X
                 mid =1
                root =2
            root =1 root.left = X root.right = 2
2+1, 5
          mid = 4
                mid = 3
                root = 4
              mid =5
              root =6
          root = 5 root.left =4 root.right =6
root =3 root.left = 1..... root.right = 5
Sorrted Array To BST Example

Array To BST Recursion

2. Implementation

public static TreeNode createMinimalBST(int[] array)

       if (array == null || array.elgnth == 0)
          return null;

       return addToTree(array, 0, array.length-1);


private static TreeNode addToTree(int[] array, int start, int end)

       if (start > end)
          return null;

       int mid = (start+end)/2;
       TreeNode root = new TreeNode(array[mid]);
       root.left = addTotree(array, start,mid-1);
       root.right = addToTree(array, mid+1, end);
       return root;


//public static TreeNode createMinimalBST(int[] array)
public static TreeNode createMinimalBST(ListNode head)

       //if (array == null || array.elgnth == 0)
       if (head == null)
          return null;

       // NOTE: count to know the length
       ListNode cur = head;
       int length = 0;
       while ( cur != null)
              cur =;

       List list  = new ArrayList();

       //return addToTree(array, 0, array.length-1);
       return addToTree(list,0,length-1);


private static TreeNode addToTree(int[] array, int start, int end)

       if (start > end)
          return null;

       int mid = (start+end)/2;

       //TreeNode root = new TreeNode(array[mid]);
       //root.left = addTotree(array, start,mid-1);
       //root.right = addToTree(array, mid+1, end); 

       TreeNode left = helper(list ,start, mid-1);// first node left is null
       TreeNode root = new TreeNode(list.get(0).val); // first node = head val
       root.left = left;
       list.set( 0, list.get(0).next );
       root.right = addToTree(list, m+1,r);

       return root;


3. Similar Ones

[4.2] Find route(Path) between two nodes

1. Example

Depth First Search

2. Implementation

LinkedList stack = new LinkedList();
for (Node u: g.getNodes())
    u.state = State.Unvisited;
start.state = State.Visiting;

while (  !stack.isEmpty()  ) {
      Node curr = stack.removeFirst();// pop()
     if ( curr!= null ) { 
              for ( Node v: curr.getAdjacent() ) {
                               if (v.state == State.Unvisited) { 
                                      // NOTE :find sth 
                                      if ( v == end) 
                                             return true; 
                                     else { 
                                             v.state = State.Visiting; 
            curr.state = State.Visited;
return false;
public enum State{
    Unvisited, Visited, Visiting;

public static boolean FindRoute(Graph g, Node start, Node end)

    // Validate the input
    if ( g == null || start == null || end == null )
         return false;

    LinkedList stack = new LinkedList();
    for (Node u: g.getNodes())
        u.state = State.Unvisited;

    start.state = Visting;
    while ( !stack.isEmpty() )

         Node curr = stack.removeFirst();// pop()
         if ( curr!= null )

              for ( Node v: curr.getAdjacent() )
                   if (v.state == State.Unvisited)
                         // NOTE :find sth
                         if ( v == end)
                                return true;
                                v.state = State.Visiting;

              curr.state = State.Visited;

    return false;

3. Similar One